I don't even know what to say to the lone players. Maybe, "what the hell are you doing?" This is a team game, and the only games that are meaningful or fulfilling in any way are the ones between organized teams. If you don't play in a premade, or at the very least are trying to meet people so that you can form a premade, then you are wasting your time.
We are doing the "hell" only thing we can do, suffering with no system to get into games with people we're getting to know in-game. With Friends messages not working and chat pretty much same, tell me how is one supposed to play with "friends" unless they are already his real life friends on a different means of communication. None of my RL friends play DG (or are much into games) and sure as hell I'm not gonna be adding random people to my instant messanger just to be able to setup a game.
Wanna know my experience:
1) Join PuGs (usually with "good-exprienced-no noobs" in name), get stomped with utter noobs on team. Rinse and repeat. Less than 40% stats.
2) Once in a while get a decent player to play with, add to Friends... learn that Friends list is useless and cant be used to communicate with them.
3) Start screening games, try to join games asking for good players and inssist on being in team with host or leave lobby. Check stats on join. Pretty much never play in a "good player" game if you're on 2nd team. Stats jump significantly.
4) After getting a good team for a game, continue playing for the evening with them. Have fun stomping noobs that keep on joining your "no noob" games... Win ratio >90%
What the game needs in order to have any hope of changing current state is a way to communicate. Channels where you can meet/talk with a certain group of people. Not having a chat lobby as soon as you go into multiplayer is one of the worst design mistakes of the game. Friends insta-message also must work flawlessly. I already have some people I'd love to be able to join premade games with (or invite others to join ours), BUT WE SIMPLY HAVE NO WAY OF DOING IT!!!
Just look at stats - 90+% win ratio is unsustainable if good players/teams are matched with others with similar skill level. Yet still most of top 100 players are having it.