DVD SHRINK - from what I can tell, doesn't isolate certain files very well, only burns the whole image or larger parts. Also there is no mention anywhere of file support. It is freeware, though, so anyone looking to try it can have a go. I might try it as a last resort, but the documentation doesn't seem that cohesive, or I didn't look hard enough.
DVD FLICK- looks good for burning them onto a DVD, but that is the exact opposite of what I'm looking for.
DVD Fab - seems like it shoud logically do what I'd like, I'll check it out later tonight when I have time. They offer a free trial as well.
Mencoder - I tried to use this awhile ago when I was just trying to burn a few dvd's to my HDD to convert and put onto my archos for traveling, and the quality of the rips was atrocious when viewed in any upscaled resolution. I don't remember if it had audio sync problems as well, but I want to say it did. Do you use it and get quality results?
@DaBing and Neilo
DVD Decrypter - Is a bit old and can't handle some of the newer protections put onto DVD's. I use SlySoft for decryption and it works wonderfully.
Handbrake - I tried this last night and gave up in frustration. It's own menu says that the movie's source size is 720x480, but that it's aspect ratio is 1.78. Those don't add up at all. I know for a fact that resolution on the movie is 852x480 anyway (which is where the 1.75 aspect ratio comes from), and I haven't been able to force handbrake into copying at the resolution without stretching the "original" 720x480 picture, which causes a noticeable loss in quality for me.
Thanks for the replies, but I'm still s.o.l. Whenever I get the chance I'll post about DVD Fab, but my hopes aren't very high, seeing how every other product I've tried has failed so far. Does anyone else have any more ideas? Preferably with personal experience, so I'm not downloading and then eradicating 30 different free trial offers, all with their own bs that is installed and left behind.