I recently saw a video called Dead Fantacy... It was awsome.
It contains characters from Left 4 Dead and Final Fantacy, and the second contains other characters from other games like Kingdom Hearts. The whole thing thow is a bunch of Anime girls fighting.
It got me thinking it would be sweat to have a video with alot of our favorite video game characters in a giant fight sceane. I am how ever stumped on characters so give some sugestions.
Here some I already have for sure.
Star Killer, Darth Vader, Master Cheif, Frank Fontaine, Big Daddy Bouncer/Rosie, Dr. Aiden Krone (Time Shift), Isaac Clarke(Dead Space).
Some I'm not so sure about
Altair, Ezio, Hayden Tenno (Dark Sector), Arbiter.
Give suggestions for characters that you could see as in a close up fight sceane. In example I love Niko Belic, But just isn't right. Watch Dead Fantacy and you'll see the moves the fighters will be doing.
Thanks for your help