I am assuming it will be, but you actually get to issue orders. Actually, this screenshot has proven to be rather informative:Reduced 44%Original 1282 x 769
The "hourglass" button is wierd: my first impression was "reset button", but that is so fraught with probelems that it pretty much HAS to be something else..... maybe the pause.
There is also a "scroll" button: I am assuming this is for scripting (yay, scripting is in?), but it also might be something else... one thing I am thinking of is "issue orders", but since it appears to be OPPOSED to the pause button, all sorts of scary RT"S" images have begun to flash through my head........ Brad, if the pause is not functional, you will have hundreds of angry turn people beating on your door........
The disics at the bottom appear to exemplify the concept of simultaneous turns: Each represents a unit, and they move across the screen from right to left. When a disc is at the far left, the unit it represents can move to the extent of its MP's. When it has used them up, the disc is returned to the far right. I am not, however, sure how the game decides the ORDER they go in.....
The terrein appears to be at leas some degree vaired, which will make a lot of people happy.
Does the lightening mean that you can use magic in battle? Or is it an item effect (the sparks are the exact same color as the bottle of blue goo the soldier is holding.)
If you look at the center button between the hourglass (which could be a wait type button) and the quill writing on parchment (which could be a save button) it has the symbol for magic (life / death) so I assume that is the button you would press to use spells during combat. I also find it interesting that it is gold in that screenshot while it is black on the webpages. Perhaps when that symbol is gold it means life and when it is black it means death or vice versa? Just some food for thought but I would also question the validity of this screenshot since originally Stardock didn't want that published or whatever.