My friend just got demigod the day before yesterday, and yesterday we played customs pretty much all day. We took a lot of lumps because he is still learning the game, but one game in particular stood out.
We started up a 3v3 on cataract and had a UB as our third, with me playing Erebus and my friend playing Rook. Our UB was a complete elitist twit (fallacato or some such). He woud complain and bark orders when he wanted something and completely ignored any requests for help from us.
After being ignored 3 or 4 times when asking for help on my lane, I decided to just ignore the prick, he only wanted to solo and have us assist him at whim for kills in the center while he outleveled us and stroked his ego.
It only took about 5-10 minutes for him to realize we were ignoring him, and when he did, he exploded with nerd rage. He began to tell us how bad we sucked, going into all chat and telling the other team we were noobs and that I was the worst Erebus on the server. Almost everything he typed was done so with unprecidented fury, often followed by FFS!
One side portal side portal down, and about 40 catas clumped at our citadel, our UB raged out, leaving behind a cloud of "you sucks" and "FFS's". All appeared to be lost. But then...Our war rank increased. I loaded up on flag locks, and scampered to the enemy's back portals, locked them both and had my buddy buy giants. A quick port to base and a few bat swarms later and our cata troubles were no more.
Giants did thier job, and victory was ours. One of the most satisfying wins to date.