While I am waiting on pins and needles for SC2 and D3, I definitely do not consider Demigod "filler" and will happily continue to play it along side SC2 and D3.
I am, however, very worried about what I have heard about SupCom2. I want SupCom2 to be a refined version of SupCom1, not this dumbed-down, consolised bastard they are trying to make.
they could be trying to appeal to a larger audience, i never played Supcom because of how complicated it looked and i wasnt in the mood to 'learn' a new game. I heard nothing but good it though, and i hope they dont 'spore' the next release
Demigod currently feels like a filler because its broken, if it was released in a functional state i think it wouldnt feel that way, but whos gonna make time for demigod when SC2 comes, i probably wont unless my friends somehow get into demigod