Trollers, droppers, laggers, ragers, ban them all. Im not joking. If they want a refund, give it to them. Stability is the most important thing about a game. If you dont get reliable game play, you will quit playing and tell all your friends not play/buy the game. I really enjoy this game, but when I tell my friends about it I do so with a disclaimer, and the majority of that disclaimer is about the community, which in large is kinda crappy (i can just see those 14 yrols spamming the refresh and connect button, and getting pissed and dropping out of games).
I believe that if people drop out of games repeatedly they should get a temp ban, if they continue they should get perma-banned. Time is a persons most valuable assest, and my friends, I know it is mine, and I will quit playing this game if my time continues to get wasted.
On that note, SD and GPG, get your poo in gear and work out some bugs. I appreciate all your hard work and I have been following and posting for months (i preorded the first day I could). I truly believe you guys need to work with the community, and Frogboy being the solo voice of the dev team just doesnt cut it. Really Frogboy.... keeping the AI in when a player drops was intentional? Cmon, get a grip bud. Fixing that alone would make gameplay x2 as good.
My 2sense, please understand that these are my trials and tribulations, and my venting. I have been apart of the community for some time and finally felt the need to release. Thanks for listening.