Actually Ctrl, isnt really helpful.
This game need an selt-target shortkey 
Another point about targeting, is the Teleportation scroll.
When a a middle a battle, you need to retreat by TP yourself to the base. You have to travel throutght the entire map, until your reach your base, to finally target accuratly one building (precious waste of time). If you click just 1 cm next the building, nothing happens... 
In dota, its really more instinctly,
In one hand, you can click next to the building, the TP will choose the nearest building
. No need to lose time, we usually need to target extremly accuratly the building.
On the other hand, no need to travel the map until the cursor reach your base, in dota, you can just clicl the building drectly in the mini map. Which is a huge gain a time 
Once again these are suggestions