I'm not going to pre-order and 99% sure I'm not going to buy the game even when it hits $20 bin. This is total crap, Square Enix NEVER MADE A SINGLE GOOD GAME YET! Front Mission was the best they had and the mish-mash story and horrid 'upgrade the mechs after each map' system was bad in the first game, never got fixed by the 4th game. Looking at their past, if Front mission games was the best Square could do, then why did GPG go to them. All they do is make spiky-haired gay heroes do the 'impossible' with a story that doesn't make sense. Just look at their line-up, there's feminine men on the cover of 90% of their games. This is horrible news and I don't think it's a good thing to simplify any bit of SupCom.
Think of it like this, they simplify it to get more sales. But the game isn't the same game anymore, same name is only thing that still carries over. This is a money grab on a series, they can't say it's anything else without lying through their teeth. SupCom was perfectly fine as it was, a deep strategic game that require micro/macro management skills with good combat tactics. I would've been happy if they just optimized the engine a little and maybe added a couple units with a new campaign, I would've bought it. But we get this crap with Square Enix, and I will repeat, I WILL NOT BUY SUPCOM 2 IF THEY PUBLISH IT WITH SQUARE ENIX!
I can't express my anger enough over this happening.