"Dude...99% of us are able to connect with no problems at all."
Mhh, dont think so. Right now there is 5 custom matches up in the lobby like pretty often recently.
I remember the day where 40 customs where hosted and visible in the lobby.
That's the people who aren't playing yet. You don't know how many are in a game, while you're waiting for one to start. All those people don't wait very long. I know I don't. It takes me about 1-2 minutes to get connected to 6-8 people and get a Pantheon game going.
I'm seeing 6+ games all the time in custom games, and if I don't see one I can join, I make my own game, answer mother nature's calling, come back, and say hi to the many people who've joined. The usual for me is about 7-12 games available but I've seen a list I had to scroll through.
Give the proxies a chance. If that doesn't work, they'll probably have to go back to 1 player hosting a server, like WC3. Then Pantheon can just pick the one with best average ping and make that guy the server. The whole point of this system with the NAT, the proxies and all, is to cut out the middleman (the server) for everyone, thereby lowering the pings as much as possible for the end-users (by connecting them to every single player in the game, rather than all data going through one bottleneck, the server). It's an elaborate project that'll make all players spit out timing-info to X amount of players instead of just to the server. This'll make everyone use more bandwidth, but in turn get better "mileage" so to speak; lower pings, and everyone is responsible for their own ping to each other player, helped out by Stardocks fast proxies.