Quoting ShotmanMaslo, reply 1I have already posted some of these on the forums in the past, but they should also be here on the official suggestions thread i think:
- Why is the limit for ship name lenght so strict? I cant even name my ship TDN Prometheus or TDN Enterprise without cutting off last letters. And I can only dream of TDN Tlahuizcalpantecuhtli (destructive god of the morning star, dawn, and of the east - Aztec mythology). At least increase it to something more reasonable...
- Temporary cloaking for ships and anticloak technology (tiberian sun anyone?)
- Could you add a button to divide fleet in two fleets with equal numbers of ships of every type? Dividing fleets for example into one attacking and one defending fleet is generally pain in the ass. I think this could be automatically done with some clever algorithm. Also, I would like to see something like fleet manager in Galactic Civilisations.
- a Bug: I have noticed that strikecraft can fly straight through a star or planet
- I would really like the idea of being able to fleet down. If u loose a few planets and resources you can drop as many tech levels in fleet support as you want at any time for some payment if you really need econ back... BUT to fleet back up you have to research all over again investing the resources (and time!) necessary to do so. *Sorry Sarudak for stealing your post, but it was easier than typing it all over again.. hope u dont mind...*
- planetary invasions (they will take longer and cost some resources, but developed planets wont be absolutely destroyed after invasion, and maybe u could get slaves?)
- At least minimal amount of flak for capital ships and starbases (dont be afraid, it will be cool, and if u want to defend against larger amount of SC, u will still have to have a lot flak frigates)
- add planetary defenses located on planet surface(ground to orbit missiles, lasers....)
-asteroid fields IN systems that have some tactical effects(only fighters/bombers and frigates can navigate them, caps and cruisers cannot)
-Diffrent gas clouds alot like armarda
some that drop shields.. some that increase shield regen or interfere with diffrent kinds of weapons.
-minor races like in GalCiv 2
-space creatures(giant amoeba)
-destroyable ship subsystems(weapons, engines, sensors...)
-trading planets, ships, technologies and negotiating options
like in GalCiv 2
-capturable key resources like in GalCiv 2
-capturing ships and stations
-more planetary slots and more powerful broadcast centers
-interstellar phase lanes(not all systems autoconnected)
-beig able to turn off long range jumps technology so u
can make systems connected only through wormholes, not star and have to fight your
way through (like jump nodes in FreeSpace)
-binary star systems, blackholes...
most of these suggestions arent diplomacy related, so i will understand if they wont be included in the upcoming expansion. But then dont be surprised when i will post them here again when next expansion suggestions thread will be online, so they dont get forgotten.. (just copy-paste again)
a few good points, I'll go through some:
shipnames - agree
cloaking - interesting.
fleet split - well, theoretically interesting, but how pracital is it? first, you'd not always want half of your fleet stay back, but maybe only a third or less. and secondly, if it does an even, by-the-maths split, you'd maybe end up with ships useless in defense like structure busters or sieges (provided you ever built those). plus, how about capships? in some cases, the fleet is strong because of capship synergies. separating them due to an automated algorithm could be bad. again, basically an interesting idea, but I'd see too many problems in practice.
fleet research downsizing - meh, I don't have a problem with this. it should though only be changed at a cast, so no system like in warcraft III
planetary invasions - agreed. longer, riskier and costlier, but higher rewards aka already developed planet.
cap and sb flak - well, maybe. like two of flak frig banks and twice or three times as much for the sb itself. wouldn't make much of a difference, but it would be nice just for the sake of it.
surface to orbit defenses - well, how would those work? that would mean basically only capships and siege ships can attack and destroy those. that would either make them totally uber or - because they cannot really be destroyed easily - their dmg would be so low as to make them irrelevant. if someone comes up with an idea that works well gameplay wise, I'm all into it, but right now I'm sceptical
effects inside (planet) grav wells - agreed. maybe even made the suggestion myself at some point. some combination of those neutrals' effects with planet would make it a lot more interesting. how about a planet hidden in nebula ( new caprica anyone?) or with an asteroid field nearby. it's probably rather difficult with the engine, but definately something I'd like to see. good way to make some planets extra special.
minor races - definately agreed
space creatures - agreed
destroyable subsystems - nice idea, but impractical with the scale of battles
key resources - interesting, would require several changes, but sounds good.
freespace style interstellar play - let's leave that to modders and map builders. there are one or two maps that are sort of like that. many, small starsystesms, only connected via wormholes
also, a small idea from my side: I think pirates should less of a countdown machine, but show a little more initiative outside those things. you know, small groups of pirates could wander around or lurk, waiting for trade ships to ambush and the like. heh, could make capturing neutrals a bit harder, if you run into pirates every once in a while. actually, maybe the pirates would even have a ship that conquers them back. so you'd not only have to contest with other players, but pirates for those valuable neutral roids.
Sure ship names would be nice, but what you mod to have thousands of ships? are you going to spend hours programming in the names sure, you could seperate autoship names by class (as done in Aramada II) but seriously, the String files would probabaly reach 100mb, and it probably won't be even filled with all the names you wanted.
As for cloaking, the ability to cloak is already done, but to be fully done, the game needs to be changed. so I agree, but there should be an ability to increase your cloaking strength, and cloaking detection system.
As for ship movements, the fighter movements in Entrenchment is great, however, this needs to be improved. Ships running purposefully into asteroids, buildings, other ships, etc could at least be fixed. Also, when ships are moving as a fleet, give the option of moving as a fleet but in no specific formation. Maybe a command that tells to move a formation or in general direction.
As for planets, sure making them as solid as the buildings are nice
and when explosion hit the planet surface, it should do some planetary damage.
As for damage per say, when ships explode, don't they damage other ships in close vacinty? (or can this be done in entrenchment)
As for free space, maybe a planetary system, maybe it isn't so round... so it can act like a boundary.
The thing is with capturing ships and stations is that do you have the techs to use them, sure if you are doing for the same race you could use it immediately but for other races how would we do it, like C&C you have to research it just to re-use it.
Well, as for more planetary slots and more powerful broadcast center, you could mod the entity files and then get it...
Interstellar phase lanes(not all systems autoconnected)
beig able to turn off long range jumps technology so u
can make systems connected only through wormholes, not star and have to fight your
way through (like jump nodes in FreeSpace)
Well you could just use one star or remove the tech from each player. No phase lanes to the star. just pure wormholes
-binary star systems, blackholes...
As for planetary invasion....instead of bombing your enemies to bits and then re-colonizing, using the diplomacy, you could "pursade" population to join you as is.