I don't even think Hollywood knows what sci-fi is anymore. Take a look at Cameron's forthcoming $200 million dollar extravaganza, Avatar. Cameron describes it as a sci-fi epic...that takes place on a "jungle world". Jungle world? Since when are sci-fi epics based on jungle worlds?
Here's my point: when most sci-fi people think of sci-fi epics, they think of the type of content we so love in games such as GalCiv, Sins, EvE, etc. In other words, people living in space, getting around in space ships and, of course, epic fleet actions. "Jungle worlds" just don't make the cut. I find it very telling that "Tabula Rasa", a ground-based sci-fi MMO, failed while EvE just posted record profits.
Simply, people want space ships and fleet actions, not all this other stuff Hollywood is pumping out under the sci-fi label.