Quoting starkers, reply 15 because one is now a paying customer, not a beta tester
Actually you agree to be a beta tester by installing beta software... So you become a paying beta tester... *Tough luck, live with it.
Actually, NO! I have not installed SP2 because I will NOT have text superimposed on the desktop of an OS I paid for.
Like I said before, the dementia's not that bad as yet that I need a visual reminder of which OS version I'm running... so it is unnecessary and an impostion on the part of Microsoft.
By all means, let them put desktop markers on beta OSes. In that case, I AM a beta tester and I haven't paid for it... but in the case of a licensed OS I HAVE paid for, I have the greater equity because the service pack is a much smaller part of the bigger picture, and thus, I should have the greater say as to what is displayed on MY already licensed and paid for desktop.
Liken it, then, to having bought a new car in the colour of your choice and taking it in for its first sevice. Would you tolerate them putting the maker's name and revised model number in prominent (pink) lettering all over your duco because it's the new company colour and they'd made a few modifications to the factory standard while it was in the service bay?
I don't think so! And I object to MS placing revised edition identification on my desktop for the very same reason... that's not what I signed up for when I purchased my copy of Vista and it is aesthetically abhorrent. So yes, I have the right to protest it.
Oh, and BTW, thanks for your responses... I haven't had a good rant/bitch session in a while, and your taunts/jibes allowed for the release of some pent up frustration... that may or may not have later required getting out the strait jacket.