For the record I've heard a LOT of different alternatives on talk radio to the stimulus fiasco. The simplest goes like this...let people keep their taxes for 6 months. That will stimulate the economy and benefits people who are actually working.
Well, then perhaps we should get some petitions and government backing going. Though I'm not sure if talk show hosts are well versed enough in economics to provide viable solutions. Ideas can sound good, but may fail in practice. (Like communism, for instance)
I suppose the tax cut thing could work...though people would probably stash that extra money away for awhile. The issue with giving money directly to people is that they're not necessarily going to do with it what you wish. You're banking on American consumerism, which is a pretty good bet, but it's not guaranteed to work.
I disagree with your statement. (Is that being negative?
No, disagreement isn't inherently negative...actually criticism doesn't have to be negative either. Criticism for criticism's sake is though. In other words, complaining just to hear myself complain is a real downer.
More simply, you can taste a pie I bake, and tell me it isn't good without having the faintest idea how to change the recipe. It doesn't make your criticism any less valid. Does it make it negative? Yes by definition, but so what? Doesn't change the reality of the pie.
I'm not questioning validity. Anyone can criticize anything and it'll be valid as long as they have a reason behind it. (I don't like the policy or I don't like the pie because...) If policy or pie is bad, then criticize it because being critical should serve as a means of improving something you don't like.
(By the way, I'm sure your pies are fantastic.