A desktop, and 2 laptops. And a 26" HDTV as my PC Monitor....life is sweet! Oh, did I mention 4 GB RAM on the PC, and 2.5 GB on the Laptop? And a cable connection that gives me 16MB/sec. download speed?
Must remember, the Zen master tells me to shun personal attachment...ownership is a burden. <--------BS I tell myself when I'm totally green with jealosy. Why, oh why, where the stable men never interested in me?
Yours looks nice, nothing wrong with it.
Oh, please! Quit patronizing me!! It's just one step up from Robby_Boy's kid's setup! If I didn't have the 6-gallon aquarium just out of camera's view on the left, I'd be suicidal or borderline postal--the Beta fish sends me bubble messages that say "Remain calm. All is well."
Yeah, why would I need a laptop hehe, It will be a decade before I can upgrade the thing I have.
I could use a laptop so that when hurricane season happens again, I can take the laptop, make a trip up to either my DH's relatives in Oklahoma or my relatives in Wisconsin, and keep working instead of having to deal with that dip in my income because I can't work when the electricity is out.
Could be worse, I guess...at least I have my health.