So anyone here mentioned either Z-Homes or how Amphibians are dying off at remarkable rates?
The first of the two subjects is neato banditto, homes that produce more energy anually than they use . (It's happening in my home state).
Secondly a collection of creatures that have survived as long as the dinosaurs are finally meeting their match in humans. Kind of funny how we are more dangerous than millions of years of natural disasters, disease, and radiation.
As for Ice Comments, a professor of ours showed pictures of when she was flying over Greenland way back when (old lady) and then showed the most recent ones. The entire span was once covered entirely in snow and ice save for some choice spots now its almost entirely thawed out. There are tons of places like that that haven't been out from under ice in thousands of years and are now entirely barren (or green if the climate is right).
Of course, his point is probably that scientists are morons just like the rest of us are, and can't get their shit right if their life depends on it.
Lord knows that scientific advances have done nothing but to harm us and shorten our lifespans . I know every single good thing that has ever happened had nothing to do with technology or science, like the wheel, I'm just glad Gabriel brought it down from heaven so that we could push our carts around. (Joking of course).