Honestly, who archives installed game files.
I do. In fact, I specifically use Impulse to "Download and Archive" a copy of Sins when it has been patched/updated (eg 1.11), then this stuff is written to DVD so that one day, I can re-install it quickly and easily. I only need an Internet connection to verify my account with Stardock, restore archive, uninstall Impulse (optional) and bam, ready to play with the latest patches.
I think most of those complaining here are complaining about the step "verify my account with Stardock". Aside from those with legitimate concerns about Impulse not working and lack of Internet connection, generally, Impulse is a pretty good system. I've looked at it, and queried Stardock ppl how it works etc on this forum.
The truth is, I'm pretty sure Impulse-distributed games (specifically Sins) are not very hard to pirate. I looked at it myself and if you really understand how it works, and use some useful tools, trust me, Sins in particular _CAN_ be pirated as a whole release. Heck a stand alone patch could be made too with the right tools. Clearly, I'm not going to say how or with what tools.
The real truth is one that all those complaining about don't want to admit: The Pirates Are Not Pirating Sins! Release Groups have not released a recent copy of Sins with 1.11 etc, not because they can't or are not smart enough to do so, they simply have other things to do (bigger more bad-ass SW to crack?).
Conclusion: Asking Stardock to change their policy on Impulse is not likely to work, since I think "Impulse could be a lot worse" as it is. So, if you want an unsupported/pirated whatever of Sins, then please lobby the pirates instead.
PS: Actually, there is another question here that has not been asked which Stardock probably has to think/been thinking carefully about. I'm afraid to actually say it out in a public forum, in case it gives ppl ideas (they already did it to Adobe CS4).. I haven't seen it on torrent sites yet, but..