Ok, I'm all set! Now, let's sound off. Who all has pre-ordered and are actively monitoring the forums.
I pre-ordered just a while ago.
Yea, I've done something I've never done before, I preordered (well, barring a couple of games that preordered a few days before relase). I definitely intend to be a diligent beta tester, something else I've never done.
You guys don't get rid of me that easily...
Count me all the way in!
You should know better than to say things like that.
That was... awkward.
If anyone else was waiting for the option to spend TGN tokens for the pre-order, Kryo gave us the link in another thread. I now have just one token in the bank, aimed at the first Elemental expansion.
Eets isn't here... please tell me eets isn't here... please!
I want to preorder as well as pick up some other things but Impulse wont give me the cost in USD since I'm outside of CONUS. It is very frustrating...
@Ron - Have seen him yet.
Couldn't preorder, because of PayPal. But since SD announced that PayPal will be accepted for a special 'Beta-preorder', I'm definitely in as soon as possible.
Preordered, spraying useless suggestions on the idea forums.
I've preordered as well. Big Mom fan, this looks very exciting.
Feels good, has pre-ordered and can't wait for the War of Magic to begin. Enchant us, Stardock!
Just pre-ordered... This game sounds great. Keep up the good work Stardock.
Oh I'm in for sure... just as soon as I figure out what my permanent address will be (applying for grad school is fun). But yeah, I'm in it with the rest of you guys and gals. Cheers!
Pre-ordered and paying attention but whether or not the latter will last is highly uncertain. My attention span and available time isn't what it used to be. Still, I'm going to try to stick around, because I think a Stardock game is worth supporting from the ground up.
- Ash
The current graphics didn't please me so much. 2010 is war too far. I've never played MOM.
But in the end, I trust Stardock, and I just couldn't resist. It's pre-ordered.
Preordered as soon as I saw the announcement. Had some TGN tokens lying around waiting for this. Will try to lurk around in the fora, as much as time allows - I did love to follow the Galciv2 development process.
All the way baby! pre-ordered and quivering with anticipation
I can't preorder just yet, but will soon. I can't wait for this game!
hmmm nevermind i saw the charge and now its gone...
It (probably) wasn't a charge, it was a hold. Some banks put the funds 'on hold' when SD checks to make sure the credit card is valid.
IS it out yet? Mouahahahahahahaha
I haven't Pre-Ordered yet, but as beta gets closer I'll take the time. So I'm here for the long haul.
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