Time and time again you wonder 'what went wrong?' when you aren't treated well, and more often than not, you end up blaming this on me. People don't dislike you because they like *me*, Lucas. They dislike you because you're *you.*
Whip, my war with you is over; it's been over for a long time, so I'd appreciate it if you just to stop firing at me and leave me be. No matter what you say about me in terms of trying to kick the puppy, I know I'm a good guy. I know this. You're not going to bring me down, so just don't bother. Have a nice day. 
That's all I needed to read to understand you. Come back when you have some real-life experience. I was knee deep in the cold war (you might have heard about it since it espouses your socialist/communist beliefs) when you were still squirting green. I'll bet your liberal teachers love your papers, good for you. Here's some advice, change your blog name again and start over, your cred is zero with me anyway (I'm sure you'll lose sleep over that).
You know, I honestly will not lose any sleep I'm just truly sorry you didn't get the simple points I was trying to make, and the concessions as well that I made.
I'm fascinated, just where is an example of "true communism" (since I'm assuming by true communism you mean the pure/ideal communism)? (just that you earlier mentioned that communism in it's pure form will never work).
What I'm trying to get across, is that theoretically, ideally...as Marx/Engels put forth, they could work. However, because of humans, the real world, etc... it won't play out right. Essentially, it's a good idea, but when you put it in play it crashes. I'm also saying that the USSR is a bad example of communism because in communism you're supposed to have a classless society, everything is supposed to be for the people. You had classes in the Soviet Union, like it or not.
One of the reasons Hitler was able to rise to power was due to peoples fear of the communists (well, that and blaming a fire on them), and he managed to convince a country to elect him, and parliament to make him a dictator, so I'm a bit sceptical that communism wouldn't be viewed as worrying by people without the McCarthy era. The general idea behind communism - that everyone works for the good of the country/the state, and the government operates a command economy - is terrifying to me since it would destroy the economy of a country if implimented, compared to a more capitalist approach.
See, what some aren't getting, or perhaps I'm not getting across well enough (I'm more than willing to admit the latter) - is that i'm not some loony liberal communist/socialist, I'm just more willing to look at everything that is available and use it. I'm not going to get all paranoid or angry about the idea of using socialism, or at least a part. If a bolt in the socialistic idea will fit into our economy, and work - I'm game. I'm not so much about strict ideals (not to say I dont have any, i do), but about getting the job done. A politician is supposed to fix things and serve the people, not spout anti whatever rhetoric. In the real world, a part of the real world, is acknowledging what works and what doesn't. Like I said, if I see something that looks promising - like say universal healthcare - I'm not going to just toss it away because it'sa big bad socialist idea, because you know what, down the road maybe we'll find something that works with it that takes care of the cautious aspects of it.
Am I getting anything across? Seriously, I'm not some loon. I just suck at explaining apparently (among other things, geesh).
One of the reasons Hitler was able to rise to power was due to peoples fear of the communists (well, that and blaming a fire on them), and he managed to convince a country to elect him, and parliament to make him a dictator, so I'm a bit sceptical that communism wouldn't be viewed as worrying by people without the McCarthy era. The general idea behind communism - that everyone works for the good of the country/the state, and the government operates a command economy - is terrifying to me since it would destroy the economy of a country if implimented, compared to a more capitalist approach.
The communists? I could've sworn it was the Jews he blamed the big fire on, or maybe it was crime. I'll have to go look that up again because now I'm curious. (Not that I feel you're lying, I just prefer to look things up on my own)
What I'm trying to say by that, is: I've no doubt there would be those who would be worried over it. Various people have various worries over various things, it's just the way things are. The whole McCarthy thing blew the paranoia to huge proportions, moreso than what was needed in my opinion. Yes, be cautious and on guard, but to go and blacklist people and jail people because they happened to have different views (i.e. communist ones), is just crap. We're nation that was founded on diversity. Now if they had been planning an overthrow, or assination or such - then yeah there's justification. Even then, we have laws for a reason, likewise, we have a contitution for a reason. Another example of stuff like this is with Woodrow wilson and the espionage act. They locked up one guy because he argued against the first world war due to the economics of it.
Any point hitting home?
Also, what's with the bashing the education system? Some of you got your education from these places. Do they mean nothing to you? Seriously, come on.