"Well, shouldn't a person have the ability to read before voting?" |
No, I don't think you need to be able to read or write to vote. I am just frustrated as all hell that people don't bother to think about something so important. I think it is bull flop that some 18yr old chickie who is going to vote for Kerry because Bon Jovi said that is who she should vote for has as much say as someone who actually educates themselves to what the candidates say and do.
Good suggestions T-Bone.
I personally don't care how many voters turn out. If you don't know what is going on, leave it to people who care enough to find out. Don't be a sheep. The whole movement to just register people and file them into a booth is disturbing.
I realize this is an unrealistic proposal. I am just disgusted and frustrated right now and suspect if people take their PC goggles off they might admit that it is a little disturbing. Do I think anything can be done about it, no. I also think the two party system sucks but I don't see anything else being successful realistically.
LW's blog about the woman who told her why she would support Kerry really struck a cord with me. I totally respect anyone who votes with a reason. I don't care if I totally disagree with the reason. For instance, I am not religious but if someone is voting based on their faith, I have no problem with that. I just want to scream when I hear things like, "I hated Bush Sr so why would I vote for Jr?" of course not giving any reason for hating anyone.
BTW, voting for change isn't a reason unless you have any reason to believe it will be change for the better.