Well, then why are you and other Democrats in favor of the Kyoto treaty when we don't know the cause of global warming?
The Kyoto Treaty reduces our impact on the environment...it's a good thing regardless if what we do causes global warming or not.
How do you know that "Man did it" isn't a misdiagnosis (to go along with your analogy) and that our subsequent "cure" isn't going to kill us all? What if all of the measures that we take on the premise of man's CO2 emmisions actually throw the natural balance of things off and make things even worse?
She downplayed the importance of finding the exact cause...when I think that's a pretty important thing to figure out. I'm leaning towards man made, but I won't declare it is fact because I don't have concrete evidence...just things that seem to lean toward it. Biden shouldn't have said that with such certainty and he was a fool for being so vehement about it.
For that matter, why pass a bailout bill if no one can agree on the cause of the current 'financial crisis'?
Duh, because money fixes everything!
I don't think it should've been passed, but that's another matter altogether.
We have no clue what causes high blood pressure but we have very effective treatment for it. You believe we should just let folks with hypertension die of strokes because we 'don't know the cause?'
They can treat it, but never cure it. You can't solve a problem unless you know the source...sure, you can treat the effects but there's no cure and there's no way to work towards a cure until you find the problem. That's why we don't have polio or smallpox anymore.
Maybe physiology was the wrong analogy to use...too many exceptions to rules and too many variables.
Then again, maybe it just chaps my hide that people can be satisfied with trying to 'fix' something without ever knowing why it began in the first place...I mean, aren't they even curious and want to explore the reasons why? I just can't be comfortable with not knowing.