maybe beta 2 is right around the corner. what do you think its gonna add to the previous beta? official online multiplayer?
we should be asking for Beta 1-A before Beta 2
Yea I think Beta 2 is gunna add a lot and official online multiplayer. Beta 1 is just an engine test so its understandable that its multiplayer isnt great, but Beta 2 is actually testing gameplay. More demigods/modes/maps/items etc. im guessing - and hopefully lots of patches!
Potatoes, ham, and eggs. And pancakes.
pancakes? w00t
Bacon costs extra, or you have to give up your ham.
I'd give up my ham for a good bacon anyday. However the real stuff is the sausage patties.
first of all, this topic has made a delicious turn in context.
this is my first beta, so i dont know how updates are timelined. it was reported that beta 2 would come next month, october, so in my opinoin that doesnt leave much time for beta 1-a and makes me wonder its been scratched totally.
You fail at breakfast.
OR Beta 2 will be delayed just like Beta 1 was and Beta 1-A currently is
lucky charms ftw
Bacon, ham, and sausage patties are all good, but really I am craving some beta 1-A/2.
And its not good to fail at breakfast, it's the most important meal of the day!
IMHO biscuits and gravy are pretty damn good.
Also, software NEVER gets released on time. I expect we'll get 1-A soon like they said, and then Beta 2 will be a month or so later than in the old tentative schedule (though that schedule never said when in the month, so it is hard to tell).
I think that Beta 2 will have code on it's plate. Spelt out of sausages, with eggs filling in the gaps.
FTW QFT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
can I order some maple syrup to go with my bacon eggs and pancakes?
[BUG] Bacon eggs and pancakes don't come with maple syrup by default. This NEEDS to be changed!!
side note: so is anyone gonna give me karma for starting such a blazingly delectible, tantilizing, savoiry thread?
it may never be released on time, but it would be nice to be updated on then to expect a phase, even a 'weve changed it from next week to three weeks from know, keeping you posted, deal with it' were helping them out after all, were helping them stay employed. its our choice to do this, but does that mean we expect nothing in exchange?
Err, we get the game in exchange?
The next phase will arrive when it arrives and almost certainly not before then. And I'm sure when they have something interesting to tell us ("It's still coming soon!" is not interesting) they'll tell us. Badgering them won't make things happen any faster so just be patient.
Eggs, bacon, toast and SPAM, SPAM, SPAM, SPAM, SPAM, SPAM, SPAM,...
*cue the Vikings... or are they bikers?*
this thread lost it's meaning and everyone must be starving at home cause all ur talking is Food Food and Fatening Food
So is there any word on if generals or anything is being added or is everything just speculation and rambling about food...
I'd hope they just fix all the engine bugs before starting to add more!
LOL at this thread
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