Notice that the liberals are staying away. Hardly surprising. I think they realize that while they can fool most of the people on this, they cannot browbeat those who stay informed.
Unfortunately you are the one who has it wrong.
The dems were good enough to get a stock option/warrant clause (thanks to the Oracle of Omaha), but I suspect King Paulson will be as shrewd with others as he was with AIG in any case. That was a good deal for the taxpayer if you haven't figured that out yet. And don't pout about the social programs either. I bet it will help a bunch of republicans, particularly in the hurricane torn areas around the oilpatch. You can rest easy since the house republicans got you some insurance provisions(even though they are symbolic and will never be used). The fact is the ecconomy will not recover until the current excess inventory of homes drops so that prices can stabilze, start rising, after which the home construction business can get moving again. As much as some hate ACORN if you read the bill, the fund which receives the small % of profits is from another bill that is trying to fix the mortgage problem. This fund is used to try to get some of the bad ARM's switched over to fixed rate mortgages. The OP simply copied other bloggers rhetoric and didnt even read the bill proposal in order to see what BS she was repeating.
The vast majority of the initial bad loans are second homes and investment flips that went bad as the market turned.....Look at one of the worst areas hit.....It is the beachfront condos in florida.....Flippers and investors who walked away from the loans as prices dropped. Now we have a new problem......As employment gets worse some who start going past the the benefit period will start looking into the subprime market as a last ditch effort to save their homes because they wont be able to pay their mortgages.
So we have a bill that tries to fix a symptom....extremely tight credit....which was modified to help with a bill passed 6 months ago that addresses trying to keep the housing market from getting worse. Its the house republicans who not only held up but put a totally useless mechanism in the bill. They want an option to let the the failing companies insure the bad securities. It doesn't do anything to solve either problem and furthermore its use would cost the taxpayer more. Paulson and Bernanke had already looked at this type of thing after they decided to insure money market funds and came to the conclusion that it wouldnt help in any way.
If you know anything about the indicators used to predict tightening credit markets you will see how close they are to the marks that caused the markets to crash during the S&L crisis(Black Monday) and Black Thusrsday in 1929. Imagine what happens these days since there are global markets with many traders using electronic trading that sets orders to execute when specific indicators are met. That is why this has been pushed....Many are afraid right now that if this doesnt look definate by the time the asian markets open tonight some of the indicators might get to the mark which will set off a huge amount of electronic selling. That is why nobody in the Senate wanted the Pres candidates to fly to DC and inject presidential politics into the process.