I really don't think conservatives tend to be more sucessful in the real world, I think the wealthy generally become Republicans because Republicans are more interested in keeping more money in the hands of the wealthy.
There's been lots of studies on this. No, most people don't change their life philosophies simply because their economic situation has changed. I would argue that the conservative philosophy leads to more success than liberal philosophy.
People who start businesses, for instance, are overwhelmingly conservative whether their business succeeds or not.
Conservatives disguise the keeping the money with the rich as an Ideology of those who work hardest should get to keep what they make and not give their money to the lazy. Its really quite amazing how deep they have made this idealogy go into people. I'm from a VERY red state and in my hometown nobody there has a pot to piss in, yet they are the most conservative people you'll ever meet. Its a fishing area, in a world that doesn't support fihserman anymore. Over the years the fish have gotten hard to catch and the fisherman have been getting less money. Very few people work harder than these, yet they don't have much money. Where I'm from the more wealthy tend to be Democrats actually. So perhaps I just live in bizarro world.
Spoken like a true liberal.
First, that most wealthy people tend to be Republicans isn't really debateable. It's not even a close call as polling and surveys have made clear over the years.
Secondly, conservatives simply don't like the government taking their earnings to give to other people. The conservative philosophy isn't the philosophy of "the rich" but it is a philosophy that tends to make people more successful.
It has nothing to do with helping the rich, it has to do with not believing the government has an inate right to your property or earnings.
Something most people apprently don't realize is that only 1.5% of American households make more than $250,000 a year(Bracket Obama wants to tax). So by Republican logic 98.5% of America is just stupid and lazy, including...most Republicans.
That's quite a strawman. Conservatives (as studies have shown countless times) are much more likely to answer the question "Does the average person know what's best for them?" with a yes than a liberal.
The top 1.5% paying so much of the taxes is simply an indicator that the "rich" are doing more than their share and idiots like Biden should shut the hell up when it comes arguing that the rich should pay more as a "patriotic duty".
As for Biden's comment, i knew an outrage was coming over that one. Bidens got a reputation as i said before for sticking his foot in his mouth. But the arguement he hasn't given much to charity doesn't fly.
Charity and taxes are not the same thing. and actually it is in a way patriotic. You are indeed serving your country by financing it. All of you government reducers out there should know unless you want to no longer have an army, social security, roads, leaders, police and a myraid of other things everyone takes for granted you have to pay taxes. Those things are not free.
You say that the argument that Biden hasn't given much to charity doesn't fly and then proceed not to back it up.
Sure it "flies". Biden talks about patriotism which is inherently the voluntary choice of supporting your country in some way. Biden is not putting his money where his mouth is.
Paying taxes isn't patriotic in the least unless you actually believe that there's such thing as forced patriotism. It's not patriotism unless it's voluntary.
Right now, half my work life is spent enslaved to the government:
- 35% federal
- 5% state
- 6% sales tax
- 9% in other taxes (property taxes, fees, gas taxes, etc.)
So by Biden's definition, the ultimate form of patriotism is being a slave. Which I guess makes sense to a Democrat since they were the party of slavery.
Conservatives believe that the more we are forced to work for the state, the less free we are.