No, that was her private email. You are not supposed to use Public email for private use. And from all appearances she kept them separate. No private emails on the government dime, and no government emails on her private account.
That's not what I read... probably in the same or a similar article to the one Snidely is referring to. According to the article, a former Palin staffer stated that she used Yahoo Mail to communicate Govenor/Alaskan State Government business with others, off record. Yeah, I know, you can't believe everything you read, but in Sarah Palin's case, there has been too much smoke for there not to be a fire.
Please do. Because the one thing that this private email account showed was that all the correspondance was personal, not government. And hardly even embarrassing.
Of course that is the 'official' word... and that being the case, the general public would never have seen anything that may have/would have been damaging to Palin. Governments/bureaucrats have a miraculous way of making things like that disappear... just like the public records pertaining to Palin's term as Wasilla Mayor. Oh, and like Snidely, I clear my FF history every 24 hours... nor did I bookmark the artice(s) in question for future reference.
And last I checked, temptation was not a defense for a crime.
Nor would I suggest that it should be! Palin's email hacker clearly broke the law, knew he was doing so, and should face the consequences of his actions... irrespective of what I may or may not think of Sarah Palin. Admittedly there is a lot that I do not like about her, but I certainly would not advocate hacking into her 'private' email account, breaking into her home or harming her in any way.... so yeah, the guy should pay for his crime.
Having said that, though, I am still of the opinion that Palin did not act responsibly and should not have used her Yahoo Mail account to conduct/communicate gov't business... as was stated by a former aide. It is not about her taking better precautions to secure her Yahoo Mail account, but rather that gov't matters had no business being conveyed via that account. Of even greater significance, however, in opting not to use official gov't emails for gov't business, what was it that she didn't want to go on the public record? And in begging that question (and I'm sure I'm not the only one begging it), ir raises other questions regarding her character, integrity and honesty... how reliable/trustworthy is she to fill the position of VP?.
did anyone else go to wasilla's web site right after palin was announced as the vp pick? i did. there were pages after pages of minutes of town council meetings while she was married. it's amazing that all those pages are gone now and the current mayor has a post there saying their electronic database doesn't go back to the years before her term. in other words, they no longer have anything concerning palin in their electronic database. that's odd since i was reading those minutes right after the republican convention
There ya go, further evidence to suggest there are serious question marks hanging over Palin's integrity and honesty.... why would public records of her time as Wasilla mayor suddenly disappear since her profile was lifted to McCain's running mate... possible future VP??? Something fishy about that... in fact, too many fishy incidences for the American voting public to ignore