The CEOs of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac may have driven their companies into the ground, costing tax payers billions of dollars, but don't worry, they won't be leaving empty handed.
The two CEOs will walk away with a combined exit package of $13 million on top of the $30 million combined salaries they "earned" last year while driving their respective companies into the ground.
This is what we mean by excessive compensation for CEOs. Even when they utterly fail, they are richly rewarded.
At least one candidate gets it.
"Under no circumstances should the executives of these institutions earn a windfall at a time when the U.S. Treasury has taken unprecedented steps to rescue these companies with taxpayer resources," Obama wrote.
Shame he did not say that when Clinton appointed them. Both very good democrats too.
Oh, come on. If they're not getting their kickbacks for ruining their companies, what's a CEO's motivation?
CEO's are entitled to their pay, whether they destroy a company or not. The idea is that if they are that bad, they won't have their contract renewed etc.
But the idea that they should have exit-packages when they've virtually bankrupted their company is ridiculous. This isn't anything political, it shows there's something wrong in the financial sectors. All it takes is one or two companies writing in small-print in contracts that if X or Y happens, you don't get an exit-package, and it's soon adopted by the rest of the businesses (for instance the idea of performance-based salaries in UK soccer drove many players away from the initial instigators, but now all but the best are on this kind of pay).
This is the nature of business, though. They will take risks because usually it will result in huge rewards. People who don't believe the government should interfere in economics/businesses should take note of this, if governments made it illegal to give such ridiculous credit through loans/mortgages (ones that it is obvious people can't pay off if anything happens to the economy) then this would never have happened. It's expensive to introduce and would have had many opposers in the U.S. But there is no potential catnip to get the fat-cats in business to behave ethically, only a huge spike-filled stick.
I'm amazed that there isn't a full-fledged investigation on Fannie May and Freddie Mac like they did with Haliburton and Enron. The Democrats were screaming for the head of Ken Lay!
I'm not sure but my sensitive nostrils are picking up smells of SERIOUS STENCH CORRUPTION!
Maybe it's just me?
Enron and Worldcom did not have a guardian angel like Barney Frank.
Its amazing to me that on this forum and in life I have to listen to conservatives tell me they dont like democrats because they "give money away poor people who are lazy and dont do anything." Here you have these 2 yahoos, who really haven't done anything(well anything good anyway), and they walk away with millions. Dont tell me that the rich dont scam their way to money even more so than poor people who are trying to do it. The difference is that when rich people do its called "compensation." Far as I am concerned since I am paying for these yahoos with my tax dollars they are STEALING from me and all of us. Bottom line is that all people steal rich and poor. And I say if we got money to give I would rather be patriotic about the poor and help them. Yes we might lost 1 or 2 dollars out of every 10 but at least the people who really need, appreciate, and might improve themselves will have a shot rather than padding guys like these 2 CEO'S wallets.
You are confusing issues. Conservatives have no problem with people who EARN money. But you are partially right. These 2 DEMOCRATS sure did not earn a damn thing, and only the grace of Barney Frank and his crew are saving them from jail.
So how is that a conservative thing?
I think Stardock should hire me to come in and ruin their company. I'll start by adding DRM to all their products. While I'm doing this, and after I'm done, I'll get paid millions of dollars. Sounds good to me!
Brad is not a democrat.
There may have been foul dealings, but I don't think people should underestimate the incompetence, neglagence, and irresponsibility of these people. Last I heard, irresponsibility and incompetence isn't often a crime.
why does it matter what they belong too they were apointed well over 8 years ago they may not be the same people and they scammed the system I am sure if we dug around that we would find many more republicans who make this kind of money this way then democrats.....t-minus 2 hours till the nice day:)
that is my point its not its a people thing....not all poor people are lazy(actually most that I have met are not), nor are most rich people.
One more thing guys, please check out the 9/11 positive post thread, lets all be americans for a day rather than dem or repubs or independents
Only to refute the contention that the scandal of Freddie and Fannie is republican.
Have a great day.
You've just been disproven because your initial comment was utterly unfounded and biased, and so your response: up the stakes of your sweeping generalisation?
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