For the last 8 years we've seen a President brings new meaning to the term croneyism. Bush may not be an evil man but he's going to go down in history as one of the most inept Presidents of all time.
LOL, I didn't know Bush was running again.
The complaint about Obama's experience is largely irrelevant.
Hmm, makes you wonder if so, why all the fuzz with Palin? Hypocrisy anyone?
McCain's choice of Palin highlights McCain's lack of a consistent vision. Is he a "maverick" or is he just another right wing politician looking to satisify the usual Republican constituents?
Probably right, but then isn't that what anyone would do in his position? Kinda funny how some point out these things as something bad when it's the opposing party who does it.
Our country has real problems that need to be dealt with and McCain and Palin have no workable answers.
You forgot to add Obama and Biden to that list. But that's OK, we all make mistakes, not that Democrats will admit to it.
Our health care is a mess. The only ones getting rich off it are insurance companies. There is so much redundancy and inefficiency because of our partially public, partially private health care system that we pay far more for inferior treatment. We can't afford to go back to the days before we had Medicare and Medicaid. These programs work and can be expanded to cover more and more people. Obama is the leader we need to make this happen.
Yes, more free stuff to the lazy and the "helpless". One would think those who need help and can't afford it don't get any.
We have no energy policy. The Republican answer is to "drill drill drill". Drilling is a waste of time and money. We have an opportunity to let the market choose a better solution for Americans and for our planet. Sure, wind and solar aren't currently enough on their own. But that won't be a problem in the long run. When Eisenhower supported an interstate high way system, I don't hear Republicans complain about that. Why not have the government get out in front in getting tidal generators going, wind farms put in, and creating regulations that require commercial builders to install solar paneling on the top of buildings? Combine that with electric and hybrid cars and we could do far more than we ever could than drilling. Obama is the leader who sees this and will take us to this new frontier.
Hmm, that's kinda funny to say, considering Obama said this in Florida a while back:
“My interest is in making sure we’ve got the kind of comprehensive energy policy that can bring down gas prices,” and “If, in order to get that passed, we have to compromise in terms of a careful, well thought-out drilling strategy that was carefully circumscribed to avoid significant environmental damage - I don’t want to be so rigid that we can’t get something done.”
So Obama is willing to compromise if necessary to drill yet you criticize the Republicans for wanting the same? Shame on you.
Our economy is a mess. Unemployment is above 6%. Why is that? Because the Republicans in congress and their President threw away a huge surplus with their spending spree and tax cuts that mostly went to the wealthiest Americans. Now the government competes with the private sector for loans to pay for these deficits with more and more coming from China which allows them to outcompete American companies and results in loss jobs. Obama is the leader who will bring us back to pay as you go.
LOL, as if Clinton did any better, but sure he is not running either so who cares right? This country is screwed up because of the idiots in this country who should have not bought things they could not afford and are now paying the price for it.
Our foreign policy is a mess. Iran is working on a nuclear program because, thanks to Bush, they know the only way to ensure that we don't invade them is to have a deterrent. Bush showed the world that the USA will invade anybody it doesn't like if they have sufficient natural resources to plunder. Obama is the leader who will restore trust in American world leadership.
Yes, and the answer to this is to make friends with our enemies and let them set the rules. This from a guy with very little, if any, foreign policy experience.
Good try though, I give points for effort, but the gollup polls don't seem to be agreeing with you.