McCain, who votes with Bush 90 percent of the time, thinks the solution to our problems is to give the rich more money, keep spending the country's blood and treasure in Iraq, and hope everything turns out okay. That's the definition of insane.
The government isn't giving "the rich" more money, they are lowering taxes for successful Americans and American business. I don't think you understand what tax cuts are. Thinking that raising taxes on the producers in this country will help is insane.
McCain calls for lower taxes. Taxes were higher in the 90s and that seemed to work okay. If Bill Gates prefers Obama you have to wonder the wisdom of Republican economic policies.
Taxes in the 90's? Like the ones that were part of the recession from the 90's? And who cares who Bill Gates supports? Communists support Obama, maybe that should tell you something.
John McCain is like the worst of both worlds. He's an economic disaster with misguided foreign policy judgment. After 8 years of cowboy diplomacy, record deficits, and mounting economic stress, we have had enough. It is time for change.
Can an Obama supporter go through a post without using "change"? How is the messiah going to lower the deficit if he is proposing billions and billions in new government spending? Notice he doesn't talk about that much. The "economic stress" in this country is due to people spending more than they make. We don't need a nanny government to take care of our every single need.
But then again, we are talking about Obama who has never accomlished anything.