Before I begin, I am going to shamelessly advertise a Strategy Forum post I made recently
. It goes under the title of "All-Economy Strategy". If anyone is intrigued, please check it out
. However as a warning, it's a long read, you might just want to skip to the Replies section
Now to begin..............
I was being a nerd today at the beach (aren't we all
) due to the fact that the water was too damned cold. So I got onto the subject of chemistry, and started thinking about the boiling point of metals (yes I'm a NERD like that, deal with it
). Then I put an intriguing thought into my head, why isn't there a metal that solidifies when extreme heat is applied to it. Mercury is the only naturally Liquid metal at room temperature (that we have discovered). And another "NERD" might give me a flip response about how the entire atomic structure of the Universe would have to be reversed. But me being controversial, says that this is not necessarily true. So just imagine for a moment that there was just such a metal. It turns into a liquid at temperatures less than 100 degrees Celsius, and instantly solidifies when extreme heat (like that from a laser, explosion, lava, plasma, etc.) is applied.
If such a metal existed, the Defensive capacity of ships would be increased exponentially. There would bemuch less Human/Alien casualties if such a metal existed. To counter this however, all we would have to do is create some sort of "Cold" laser, explosion, plasma, etc.
So that this metal would not spill out in the vacuum of space, it would have to be surrounded on both sides by extra thick metal. A 5-10 metre thick exterior slab/plate to keep it from spilling outwards, and another 5-10 metre interior slab/plate to keep it from spilling inwards. This metal would cool off eventually (it would cool off 10 times faster in space), so it would need to be kept in sections (like honey in a honey comb) to keep it from all spilling out all at once (in which case it would make most of the ship collapse in on itself).
So I was wondering what other people thought of this idea. It would help if the community would help me come up with a name for it, some weapons that would counter it, some other benifits/liabilities that it possesses, etc.
Anticipating your responses.
ROCK ON!!!!!!!!!