If a quality product is a determining factor on whether your not some kind of 5 finger discount asshole, what does that say about your own morals?Are you gonna shoot somebody if he doesn't live up to your standards?That food wasn't good. Next time take it.That car had poor mpg. Hold the dealership hostage.Your an asshole (If ya pirate). You deserve prison. Hopefully now you'll get it.And the lawmakers feel the same way, so don't have another person make a long winded speech on how stopping piracy will do nothing (Which is contradicted by every study on piracy btw)A kid (or adult) goes off and steals something, goes to prison. Intellectual theft is even worse, as the idea is worth more then the product itself.Little pirate thugs need to be sent to prison.
My apologies Dark Knight, but being insulting is only forgiven if you have your facts straight.
Every study does *not* contradict the statement that stopping Piracy will do nothing. While studies by industry groups generally come to that conclusion, most independent studies do not.
So, with apologies, you're coming into the argument being both insulting and a liar. This does not help your cause.
Moreover - your premises show dishonesty from the start - putting extreme strawmen into the mouths of anyone that disagrees with you that have nothing to do with the case at hand.
Now, as it happens, I agree that ideas are more important that matter most often. Which means I consider intellectual dishonesty worse than theft *or* piracy.
So while I do not in fact hold car dealerships hostage to their mpg ratings, it turns out making gratuitous strawman arguments while lying about IP Piracy studies you actually know nothing about is punishable by
Give me a minute, I have a chart . . .
Oh, here it is - being beat about the head and shoulders by a wiffle bat until unconscious.
Or good sense is knocked into you, whichever comes first. Typically with your type, unconsciousness, but we live in hope.
My apologies, I will be sending someone with a wifflebat to your place of residence.
Thank you - Jonnan