I was referring to the comments being childish,not the work
well hey Wiz, thx for not getting all defensive + in my face flaming on me + actually taking my feedback into objective consideration ;no harm, no foul as they say - your point about the 'comments', yeah, I simply igore that nonsense + focus on the what Thomas accomplished ;to be fair to him as well, Jordie Green is a provacateur + agitator & should you be unaware of the color backround on his nut job head F's, you would consider the 'my dick is bigger than yours' pissing contest very schoolyard - bottom line, he agitates Thoosje into reacting trying to bring attention to himself - that doesn't diminish the modest, yes, but beautifully executed + presented 'gallery' of his work . . .in the art world, one doesn't focus on the environment the work was produced in, just the finished result + that is why I watch his submissions to this day = bonus points, Thomas is also a very sweet, sincere, hard working young person who I would say has a career in customizations, programming or Tech possibly on the horizon