bumber stickers Did you mean bumper stickers?Thanks for the kind thoughts kitty. I wish I'd read this before that other thread Moderators are kindly souls.However, we should have the right to put people in strait-jackets, confiscate their chocolate, and spank them. It's the only way to maintain order...
yeah..*blushing* I meant *bumper*.......... your most welcome Fuzzeh!!!
ruffles zubaz's hair up ........heheh
yr most welcome guys.....seriously you mod guys ROCK
and tonight im gonna have a sleep over at beb's house and tomorrow zoomba is gonna give me a lecture
on the meaning of being 'in the wacky skinning club"
as for Jafo?...oh man im still AWAITING his thoughts on the jeykll show..(will he ever watch it??)
and snowy?......well hes gonna get a jump huggle...a parachuted one....muaahahha......