I have noted a few articles on the site, one in particular from Calor - http://calor.joeuser.com/index.asp?aid=1869 and it sparked quite a debate on the issue... well - it wasn't really much of a debate, because there isn't much representation from Calors point of view - however, there are a lot of valid points, and it is very interesting to know what this community thinks of taxes.
In Australia we are a bit further toward the left of the political spectrum - the difference is negligable though. This country has one of the most questionable tax systems on the planet, and i beleive it to be totally unfair.
Basically - we have a passable welfare/education system, if you dont earn much money, or if you have a dissability, or if you are injured, the government will look after you so you dont fade away - granted, it isn't the best in the world, but it is something.
Of course we pay taxes to maintain this welfare/education system, and any other initiatives our government has, but the rates at which we pay these taxes are propostorous. The Middle class get screwed over rather visciously.
The best example i can use is that if you are a business - the taxation is roughly 30% of your GP... it doesn't matter what the GP is, whether it be $100mil or $100k - its still 30% and $30k is alot more damaging to the smaller company than $30mil would be to the larger corporation. I just think there has to be a middle ground in there somewhere, either the smaller company pays less, or the rich more...
While all this is going on - you have the lower middle class working for the business owners, paying their taxes for the welfare/education system... so those who need the assistance and are deserving of it, obtain the necessary help, but those without a job just getting free rides...
The Rich continue to get richer, the lower classes just plod along - while the middle class work so they can support the welfare system, The confidence to start your own business is there - but many go bust in the beginning because of outrageous taxing...
It creates a bad domino effect... i think education is the key, but our taxation is so whack, that private schools get more government funding than the public schools, hence they are much better institutions of learning, and this usually sets the trends for life...
I suppose its all a means to an end, but i would like to know your thoughts.