Welcome mortal to Mount Olympus, home of the gods. I, Zeus, have allowed you to journey here to prove your worth and to see if you shall be allowed to join us in the control of the universe.
If you manage to show that you are worthy by achieving 25 victorious battles or 100,000 cumulative points than we have decreed that we will bestow upon you the Glorious Title of Senator.
Let all those that are in our presence tremble and despair. We threw down the mighty Titans and will Prevail in All our Doings.
Some Important Things to Know About This Empire
One doesn't need to be one of the Olympian gods, any character is fine!
This is an Open empire, so anyone can join. I will try to keep up with who is joining so I can send a friendly hello.
Hard work and perseverance pay off. I will award those that accomplish such tasks with a Senator position.
I think it is important and my duty to help new players and learn from veteran players. I promise that this empire is here for the player!

Olympian Gods Forums hosted by the Tyranny of Evil
A Little About Your Emperor
SILVERBEACHER (Main Character: Zeus)
Born and raised in Michigan, Silverbeacher, or Silver as he is commonly called, is a college student at Purdue University in Indiana where he is majoring in Political Science and Pre-Law.
He first came into contact with the Galactic Civilization Universe in the summer of 2003, with the first game in the series. He found the game very enjoyable but never did partake in the original Metaverse. A few years later he came across the sequel, Dread Lords, at a local Best Buy, and began trying out the new and improved game.
At first, he never visited the website or the Metaverse, but one day, while seeking answers, he hopped onto the GalCiv2 website and the rest as they say is history.
Almost immediately interested in the Metaverse, he began looking for an empire to join, originally checking out both the Galactic Diplomats and the High Command Hegemony. It was in the threads of the HCH that he came across Neilo and MarshallONeil. Neilo had only recently left the HCH-which had become a very quiet remnant of its former glory-and had formed the Tyranny of Evil.
In the summer of 2007, Silver joined the Tyranny-or ToE as it is often referred to as. Meanwhile, Neilo, had also been appointed the "leader" of a new way of competing against other MV players, the Metaverse League. Silver originally sat out of the MVL, fearing that he was not a good enough player to compete alongside such game greats as MottiKhan and Mumblefratz, but eventually did decide to join in the middle of the third round, where he even managed to get a speed bonus point for his team.
Due to the rapid growth of the MVL, a new team was needed for Round 4, and Silver gladly submitted his name to be the new captain of this team. With this, Team E-or more properly, The Eternal Villainy-, was founded.
Silver had captained the Villainy for three rounds when Commissioner, and fellow Villainy teammate, Neilo, decided to step down from his position as Commissioner of the MVL. At the request of Neilo and others, Silver accepted the nomination to be the new Commissioner of the MVL. After a close, but friendly, election, Silver was named the new "Commish" and Round 7 of the MVL was his first round under his 'leadership'.
It was also at this time that Silver decided to form his own empire, which he named the Olympian Gods. For a while, Silver remained a member of both the ToE and the Olympian Gods but eventually, decided that he wanted to focus all his attention on the MVL and Olympian Gods and so said goodbye to his Tyranny brothers to venture out on his own.
And that is how we say, is that.