Why should the government pay for the police or the schools? |
Hence it must be paid for by government. |
Schools and Police are usually paid for, at least in part, by property taxes. A town can not have police (I live in one- we just get patrolled by the county now and then) which also leads to poor 911 service.
Schools can be the same way- they depend on millages. Don't vote in a millage if you don't want to pay more.
But, if you want well educated kids and dependable 911, you might want to pay more 
But, remember, the ones with the most land, and the businesses, pay the most. So, the business man and the "rich" are still paying more than the "common" person.
Now, to the original post. Let me ask you this- how does the the rich man keep all his apples? Is this in a country that doesn't exist?
The government wouldn't have to fund anything if everyone was employed and making a fair wage. In Draginol's example, he is not able to employ as many people since the government is taking that money. Therefore, the business doesn't grow so that it can employ more and somebody doesn't get a job from the start because of taxes. I think there is a great misunderstanding of how much a COMPANY pays in taxes a year. We could employ several well paid employees for what the government taxes us for. Those people could have good jobs, good pay and good benefits. Instead, the government takes the money and spends it on crap programs. Doesn't help the company, doesn't help the unemployment rate. Doesn't really help anyone at all.
Let's put some numbers to this to show a point:
Say a company grosses $10 million
Say out of that, they only net/and or get taxed on $2 million of that
The government takes at least 33% - that is $660,000!
How many employees could you hire with that and provide full benefits?
Is taxing the company really helping? Or, would the country be better off having more people employed?
Of course, if you are a socialist, I guess it would make sense to just keep raising taxes on the people who are working hard and trying to get further ahead. Heck, why should somebody who works 60+ hours a week have more money than those who work 40 or less? Why should those who works their butts off to better themselves and their company make more than those who work the least amount of time and do the least?