Saint Ying posts from which we have a bit more lee-way on.
That said, ironically I was not referencing Saint Ying at all in my commnets about liberals but he does happen to fit the left-wing mold. He's very intolerant of other people's opinions despite his obvious ignorance on many issues.
In fact, if one were to survey, the volume of abusive behavior is overwhelmingly delivered by people who are proudly left wing. Besides Saint Ying wishing for the death of his opponents and swearing at them, you have Gothic Impulse who yesterday called someone a "bitch" for essentially having right of center views. There's Mikimouse who has nothing but contempt for those who don't share his views along with many others over the mnoths who become incredibly abusive to those they don't agree with. Don't forget Valleyboyabroad, Randy Spire, who make their contempt known. And of course you have the various people who have posted how disgusting it was that they "kissed a Republican" or a little while back how one blogger was disgusted to learn that a girl she liked also liked George W. Bush.
On the right, there's Marvin and AnthonyR but I don't recall them name-calling individuals or hoping for their opponents to die.
The rank intolerance seems pretty one way. Someone can certainly point out where I'm wrong on this. I don't recall seeing "Yuck, I kissed a Democrat" or right wingers writing how they hope blogger X gets run over by a truck and so on.
Hence, I think it's easier to be left wing because left wingers tend to not feel like they need to control their impulses. They just let it all fly. Of course, when their irresponsible behavior catches up to them in one form or other they inevitably complain about how unfair everything is and how people who succeed in life are just "lucky".