"I have never voted in my life. First because I just didn't care for politics before. I had no interest in it. Last elections was because I didn't register ontime and was unaware I could have voted anyways."
That's nobody's fault but your own.
"I feel that voting for these current candidates (Republican or Democrat) is like picking the lesser of the bad guys. They all suck, they are all only interested in getting elected."
You aren't alone I share your feeling and your insight there. Whats sad is it's mostly factual.
"Too many people vote without knowing a thing about the candidates are issues on the ballot. "
Really? I thought the age limits were supposed to prevent the teenager crowd from making an uninformed decision.
You guys who are sick of voting, have to decide if making your vote count is more important to you then not voting. If letting other people decide for you what the course of events is to be, without your participation then you really do have little if anything to cry about if it doesn't work out how you like. Even if you do vote, you will lose some of the time, duh. But you will have at least taken part, and added your count to the masses, set an example for your neighbors and co workers, as well as children and continue to propagate democratic life.
Those are real benefits, even though you maybe be voting for the least bad of the bunch, consider that those guys had to be assholes to get up to that point. Past the primary, past the 5-10% barrier. On the national stage guess what, they are all assholes, that will smile, shake your hand, take your money, and work the crowd whether you are there or not. Thats what they do. They also lie, they cheat, they take advantages nobody would in the rest of society against opponents, and they do what they need to do to get elected. The system allows them to do that because they tweak the system to stay in power.
On the local level it's quite a bit different, you can actually meet someone, have a lunch, voice your concerns, explain your position, have an effect, if it gets you so pissed, you can even run and stand a chance to win. Whats important is taking part, because when you don't you can cry and complain just as if you had voted, but you'll know you didn't do anything except cry and complain when your number was up.
Learn how to register.
Learn the candidates. Spend 15 min researching, it's not that hard, they all have websites with nice little kittens and some dumb shit campaign slogan.
Learn where to vote, and go do it!
Ok now you can tell me to shut up.