While we're on implausible scenarios, imagine this one: Aliens come to Earth, capture Mugaz, upgrade his brain to one that can make a coherent argument and suddenly he moves up from being community jester to serious intellectual. |
Brad--that was a bit harsh, don't you think? Really, name calling should be beneath you. Last time I checked, this was Muggaz's blog and he can write whatever he'd like, whether plausbile or not. If you don't have something constructive to add, I might suggest looking elsewhere.
Muggaz--I'm confused as you why you are fearing US retribution after an attack by "retired US military perssonel." If you mean US retribution after al Queda chimes in with a response, maybe. But, projecting to 2008, Bush will definitely not be the President after Nov, 2008 (and hopefully not after Nov, 2004). Let's say Bush wins this election and therefore Hillary runs in 2008 as she is threatening to do. If she wins, I don't think you'd have to fear an immediate lash out--she'd most likely be cautious with a response. Or, she could try to prove the point that women are just as "war-like" as men, and go after them guns blazing. Yup, so my answer is--well, I guess it all depends.