Yes we will need a team captian for the rounds that have 4 different challenges, ie tech, conquest, alliance, influence....
It will be the captain's role to decide which player is assigned to achieve which goal.
Oh OK. I had assumed the same as DA but I think it would be good to mix up the victory conditions on occasion as well.
By the way every team that wants one can have a private team forum at the Core. If someone on the team is comfortable with it just PM Damoose with the team name and member names. You probably should wait until all members are registered at the Core before requesting this thoug just so that it all can be done once at the same time.
Any team that perhaps isn't that used to the Core and wishes me to make the request just let me know. You can send me a PM if you want or just make a post in any of the MV league threads I pretty much monitor them all. But as I suggested make sure everyone on the team is registered before making the request just to avoid having to do things more than once.
For any not already registered at the
Galactic Core just follow the link, enter the forum and where it says Welcome Guest click on Register. All you need is an email address. I do ask that you use the same name you use here just to avoid confusion although technically this isn't required.