welcome, KushHaze!
yes, as it stands you'll be assigned to team C. Davabled is your interim team captain; i'll ask him to give you the password for the team C private forum on www.thegalacticcore.com. if you'd like to try a game before the round ends this weekend, feel free!
if you have any questions, you can always ask me, JustinSane, or post them in the MVL current round thread. we're a pretty freindly group, though lately it's been quite.
the things to remember: 1) if you post a game in the current round thread, it's considered a final submission. 2) this is all on the honor's system, and 3) have fun!
also, kudos on your screen name, hehe.
(also, SB's link above is broken somehow, but i'm not sure how... so i'm gonna try... https://forums.galciv2.com/324492/page/1/)