To my fellow Gerontocrats,
It is with deep regret that I must announce that the General shall leave the lovely grounds of the Gerontocracy. The General has enjoyed both his time here and your company, and this decision was neither taken lightly nor is it any reflection on the Gerontocracy. To the contrary, you are an absolutely fine bunch. No, the sad truth is that the Kzin have made furious gains in the Metaverse and the General's blood-brother, Count Alejandro Montoya, has written and begged for his assistance in stemming the rising tide of fur and fangs. So the General rides to the aid of the Tyranny for the nonce. The General leaves you two gifts in parting however.
The first is the promise of reinforcements for the Gerontocracy. There should be much war booty to be gained from the struggle with the Kzin and when the General has mustered the necessary sheckels to purchase a second copy of GalCiv to secure three more combatants, the first of them is promised to the Gerontocracy. The second parting gift is a large bar credit at the Twilight Pub. If you visit the pub, all your drinks are on the General, and he has left a war chest of his secret battle strategies there for the Gerontocrats, including his top-secret strategy guide to million plus point TA games. The General shall post continuous letters to the Pub, for your benefit, updating his strategies as his experience grows in fighting the cunning and fearsome Kzinti. He shall also keep the Pub kitchens well supplied with Kzinti nuggets so the brave troops of the Gerontocracy shall be forever well-victualed.
Embird, ParticleWave, and GW...thank you for allowing the General to be part of your excellent empire. He humbly begs that you do not take exception to this parting and further asks that you accept these gifts with the seriousness in which they are bestowed. They are not made lightly. GW especially, the General truly understands how much you care about the Gerontocracy and sincerely hopes you will be understanding of the call to arms the General must answer. The General hopes that his collection of war secrets, bestowed freely and with pride upon you, are worth far more to the Gerontocracy collectively than the occasional foray the General musters here.
I salute you all,
General Jebediah Stormcrow