Yeah I used to play WoW till about a month and a half ago. Got bored of the endless dungeon grinding, it got to me after a while and I really couldn't face another month or so grinding an alternate character.
Don't get me wrong in thinking that I'm whinging about it, I loved the game while I was going from Level 1 to 60. A guild friend of mine once said the game started at 60 but for me the game WAS 1 to 60, after that it just sank into mind numbing gold/items grinding instead of creeping around castle ruins in the rain...or a thrilling chase through the trees by a trio of Dragoinkin...or simply fishing at sunset in Stranglethorn...I took so many good memories from that game.
I might well reopen my account once Burning Crusade comes round but I'll probably want to go on another server, anyone got some suggestions for a good one?
Also I'm not rolling Warrior again, too bloody stressful LOL.