You don’t wonting to play a multiplayer mode is fine , but actually saying that it should not be made and nobody should play it because you don’t like multiplayer games or have no friends to play with is just plain wrong .
a one guy even went that far to say in his post" if you do make it multiplayer , please make it a separate version so I can completely ignore it ".
I have never heard anything so obnoxious and rude ... well if you don’t want to play a multiplayer game then just dont press the bloddy multyplayer button, single player game button is usually just above it , and I am sorry if the multyplayer button hurts your eyes … it must be quite a painful site for you
Playing games solo is ok , but its never fun as playing against your friends ... after all this years we still play age of wonders and heroes over the lan .. they are great turn based games with a multiplayer mode …
All my friends including myself would love to see Galactic civilisation in multiplayer mode . that would make this game truly a masterpiece …
Playing in multiplayer mode is about shared experiences , jokes and chats that happened while playing it , competitions and challenges , and memories that are created with playing game with your friends that we discuss long afterwards ... none of this is possible if you play solo
level of adrenalin is always higher in multiplayer games
solo its like one man trying to play football , or you going alone to see a great film and there is nobody to share this experience with and talk about it .... its just sad
what I am saying is that; if you think that there is no enough interest for multiplayer mode then you are wrong …
Everyone I know ,and I know many gamers , they all would love to play Galactic Civilisation in multiplayer mode against their friends …
But they are not going to log in in here in post their comment it would be like solo players logging into world of war craft and asking for game to be made in solo mode …
Or vegetarians walking into butcher shop and demanding to sell a tomato… it just will not happen
But if that butcher does decide to start selling some veggie believe me lots of us vegetarians would walk in and buy it