I just finished reading Angels and Demons and made a comparison to it and TDC, if you have not finsihed either, or have not read one, do not read on. But if you have read them, let me know what you think. My friend thinks, he just found a formula that worked in Angels and Demons, refined it and wrote TDC.
I whited the message out so you can highlight it and read it.
1. Robert Langdon is the main character in both.
2. Female main character, has a father figure, no mother.
3. A unique killer/assasin
4. Crippled main character
5. Tough cop character
6. Art is involved
7. Clergyman character
8. Begins with a Murder of female character's father
9. Secret societies
10. Duality comes up a lot
11. Bad guys give themselves othernames (the teacher, Janus)
1. Females in the TDC are strong, in A&D they are viewed as week. The way Vittoria is viewed for wearing shorts in the Vatican, how the Assasin views women as objects for his sexual pleasure.
2. The Hassasin gives into sexual pleasures, the Albino causes himself pain against it.
3. Albino is light skinned, light hair, Hassasin is dark haired, dark skinned.
4. The secret cult in TDC were from the catholic church, A&D were Scientists.
5. TDC is about Jesus's life (New Testament), A&D is about Genesis (Old Testament)
6. A&D, you are made to believe that the bad guy is the crippled, and he is commanding the Hassasin, turns out it was the Clergyman is the real bad guy in all of this. And in TDC, you think the bishop is the one who is the hidden bad guy, commanding the albino, turns out it is the crippled. *the similarity is that they are representing a secret society that their beliefs are opposed to* (The Illuminati in A&D).
There are more, but I am too tired to think right now. If you have made some comparisons and contracts, feel free to reply.
So as I was reading it, I was like, "This is just the Da Vinci Code from the other side" then I realized. I think he meant to write it this way, like the books from Galieleo that he mentions. It is about Duality, each book mentions this. These books are meant to be Dualities of one another, Yin and Yan.
I think it is pretty cool if he meant to do this, and I think he did.
It is funny how Angels & Demons is not as huge as The Da Vinci Code. But it makes sense, Scientists are disproving each other everyday, it is a part of science to seek truth, as it mentions in A&D, science changes weekly, if you stand still, it passes you by. SO if you say something major about Science not being right, no big deal. But if you come out and say something 1 Billion people have held as truth for 2000 years is wrong, your gonna sell more books.