How exactly will Kerry reduce the deficit? He makes vague statements. Raising taxes on "the rich" won't have much affect on the deficit.
The US is already working with most countries quite effectively. I don't see why France and Germany's "help" is very critical for really anything.
I would rather the US do things based on what is good for the United States rather than subverting our interests to that of France and Germany. Does Kerry sweat whether California and Texas (which each have a similar GDP to France and Germany) agree with his policies?
Most of the European nations actually supported US action in Iraq. You wouldn't know that from the spin from the left. But UK, Ireland, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Greece, Poland, Czech, Bulgaria, Lithuania, Hungary -- to name a view, supported us. No one seems to bother noticing that Japan has been supporting us as well with cash and troops. Australia has troops on the ground as well. So much for "unilateralism".
Of course Kerry cares about France, he's French. 
Kerry has an easy ride right now. The zealots on the left like Bulbous will back anyone but Bush. But most Americans want to know what Kerry wants to do. They aren't melodramatic and don't see Bush as god or satan. They see a mixed bag and want to know whether Kerry is offering anything better.
So far all Kerry has made clear is that he'll raise taxes and subvert our interests to that of the UN and France/Germany. I don't see that as an improvement over Bush. It's too bad those on the left frothing at the mouth can't articulate why they despise Bush's policies since then it would be easier for them to articulate how they think Kerry would change those policies.