Is there any wonder that one so incompetent with a weapon was granted five draft exemptions? |
Tell you the same thing I told col. Get a clue.
Accidents like this happen all the time. I have personally seen it happen with a 16 year ex-marine behind the trigger. When you're hunting birds and they flush you need to swing quickly to get on target. Which is why you're supposed to keep in line.
The guy wandered into tall grass, then circled back around behind them without announcing his presence. While bird hunting, needless to say with people swinging guns in the direction they think people *aren't*...
When you do something this stupid, you get what you deserve!
The incompetent one here is the lawyer, "not" the VP. The lawyer was somewhere he was NOT supposed to be in the first place and then to add stupidity to ignorance, "never" even bothered to tell anyone he was there? He deserves to be shot.